Open up Your Opportunities

Private Lending

If you have funds in your RRSP’s that are making poor returns we can show you how to get double digit returns with real estate backed security just like the banks you set the terms and the interest rate! We also have Joint Venture opportunities that are eligible for these funds as well. Contact us today for more details on how we can help you make the most out of your tax deferred savings.

Many Investment Options with Flexibility

There are many secure, low risk investments that are available in real estate in areas such as: equity loans, foreclosure assistance, bridge loans, and many others that we could put your money to work in that would generate greater than average returns. If you have capital available we have projects that you could be involved in with as little as $25,000 there are few investments in business with real security such as real estate that you could get into with such low entry requirements and the best part is you get to set the terms of the loan to suit your needs! Phoenix Real Estate also has larger projects available for those who have larger pools of funds to invest.

Need Money for your Real Estate Project?

Are you a new investor looking for funds? Are you an experienced investor lacking capital? We can help you in either case, we have private lenders available with a variety of terms and rates to suit your needs. Please Contact Us today we can help!